Monday, October 11, 2010

Online Education

The internet has given rise to a multitude of time saving innovations and the realm of education has benefited more than most from the near universal access to information and knowledge that this brave new world has facilitated.

Much like the world of online dating, the initial uptake of the online education offerings was marginal and frankly of questionable quality. This all changed with the widespread adoption of Web 2.0 mechanisms - the world that facebook spawned has inadvertently led to developments elsewhere and the rapid uptake of technologies that can, do and will benefit millions of people. The University of Phoenix is perhaps the most famous example of an established off-line institution taking the lead in geographically neutral online education and training.

The advantages for all concerned of being able to engage with the bastions of formal cognitive improvements anywhere and at any time are obvious and plentiful. Below I have listed some of the better online universities, colleges, technical colleges and training centres I have encountered on the internet over the past 18 months:

Thank you for your interest and wish you everything of the best in your personal online educational pursuits.


  1. Could you please give me the heads up on which courses each of the listed institutions specialize in?

  2. yeah and I'd like to know - as an online educator myself - where one might find a rankings list for online training centres and facilitators as they have for off-line/traditional ones.

  3. Interesting developments - but do you feel you could ever compete with more established University systems?

  4. Do you think this is a scalable service offering - whilst maintaining educational quality?

  5. Yes the internet has educated more and is as important for us today as the printing presswas centuries ago. The thing is i feel like we are in a kind of "information overload" state today. People just want to keep googling and googling and digesting more and more information while their life passes before their eyes. I think this is why people say 30 is the new 20!

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