Monday, July 5, 2010

Social Media & Search Engine Visibility

We are living in the era of Social Media or are members of the so-called "Facebook Generation" - the idea of which causes me to fear an onslaught of millions upon millions of socially retarded young adults coming of age without the requisite social skills to take part meaningfully in the humdrum of human-to-human contact and the intricacies of inter-personal relations. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not saying a little geographical desensitizing is not useful, helpful even; I just worry about the long term sociological impact of a species conditioned not to relate in an unwired domain.

The implications are startling and perhaps inevitable - lower marriage rates and/or lower marriage survival/longevity rates as location no longer limits the search for that special someone. The usefulness and utility of remaining with one person through good times and bad begins to seem so, so well inconvenient - so 1992.

People living rooms eventually devolve into an endless Russian mail-order bride catalog and archaic concepts such as loyalty and fidelity become the remit of old-fashioned romantics ill at ease in this brave new hyper-linked world. This worry, this concern and this dangerous obsessive - information overflow is at the core of what I plan to delve into with my blog; when and how and in what tangential path is this phenomenon ebb from self-serving to self-defeating.

This and more is on the cards - so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think of something like Woorank? The SEO analysis toolkit..?
